Top tips for navigating and coping with Redundancy
10 top tips for navigating redundancy
1. Create your Plan B
Now’s your chance to try out that other career you’ve been thinking about for a while now. It’s not easy to jump when life is more certain or familiar. Now that it’s not though you can get going. You’ve nothing to lose, after all. You might want to explore 10 tips to enhance your professional network to start building a new network in the industry you want to work in. Do some research, read blogs, sign up to newsletters, follow leaders in the industry.
2. Unearth your Native genius
We covered more about this in ‘how to unearth your talent and creativity‘ blog. It’s about what you’re naturally good at, without even trying. Could this be an indicator to a new career? Assess your skills and talents.
3. Reconnect with your values and motivations
Sometimes when we’re on the treadmill it’s hard to come off. We’re so focused on the next step that we don’t stop and ask ourselves – am I really having fun doing this? Does it chime with my values? With space to think, now is your chance. Ikigai is a great tool to help you explore.
4. Volunteer
This is a great way to kick start your Plan B and can quite quickly get you a foot in the door of your new career. It’s also a chance to see if your Plan B is all you think it will be. This can be started prior to facing any redundancy situation.
5. Use your network
Maybe you don’t want to switch careers, but love the one you’re in. If so, always aim to keep your network up-to-date. Ask around if anyone is looking for consultancy work or a temp worker to cover maternity leave etc. I have seen so many people secure work or new career pathways this way.
6. Keep in touch
Even if you feel angry at your employer for making the role redundant, try not to burn bridges. They’re the ones who will write your next reference and may also point you in the direction of future opportunities such as consultancy or freelance work.
7. Negotiate
And on that note, when leaving you can stand your corner by learning how to negotiate your exit or some other perk such as keeping the company phone, laptop or car. Nothing ventured, nothing gained – and your boss won’t blame you for trying. They’d probably do the same in your place.
8. Seek legal help
If you’re feeling aggrieved because you feel your redundancy was personal, or that it wasn’t carried out fairly, then do contact your union if you have one. Alternatively you can check out the ACAS website and, if it turns out you’re right, then consider approaching an employment lawyer for a free no obligation call. Expressing and exploring your rights can feel empowering.
9. Annual learning
Adding to your skill and knowledge base isn’t just commendable and fun, it’s also useful for when it comes to job hunting. There are lots of free courses online on LinkedIn Learning®. You could also check out IHasco online training for the workplace.
10. Pay it Forward
You may find yourself on the receiving end of some support and kindness. Certainly, when you do this in good times i.e. take time out to help, mentor or comfort someone without looking for anything in return, then it will usually be returned. Accept it.
Are you navigating redundancy and ready to move forward?
If you need help to come to terms with a recent redundancy, you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck, you may benefit from support to empower you to move forward and take action.
You can book a free 30 minute no obligation call with me below if you’re keen to get moving.